A restricted key system is a lock and key system that grants a much higher level of security to your premises or building.
This lock and key system carries patent protected keys and lock barrels, that are only available to approved agents such as 24 Seven Locksmiths, these keys and locks can not be duplicated by just anyone. Proper restricted key systems don't just have keys with the words "Do not Copy" embossed on them, they are custom made keys with a unique profile.
The cost of a restricted key system is not much greater than that of a standard master key system, yet the benefits are vast, and definitely worth it!
The main reason a Restricted Key System is implemented is for the level of security it offers. The system is designed so that keys and blanks cannot be obtained from anywhere except a reputable and authorised locksmith that specialises in restricted key systems.
The profile is usually different to any normal key, and thus they are much more difficult for someone to pick the lock and gain unauthorised access.
The design of the key is patented and protected and only the manufacturer of that key can create that specific design.
The keys can not be cut without your authorisation, you so you have sole control as to who has the keys and when the copies are made
Each key made is recorded down, then only your designated people can authorise duplication, we keep meticulous records eliminating anyone without authorised access from duplicating keys.